Monday, January 17, 2011


I am a bad blogger!!! Haha, I had you tricked into thinking you were going to find out something you didn't already know, right?! I know, I know excuses are lame. But I have been doing a Project 365 on facebook (which is taking a picture and telling about it every singe day of the year). So I really am documenting my family every single day...just not on here. Which the whole point of the bliggity-blog thing for me is to preserve moments for the Crew, so I'm not beating myself up too bad about my absence. I also have gone back to school and have been busy with homework, research, essays, discussion forums, journaling, and lots and lots of crunching of equations. So, I promise little neglected blog, I haven't forgotten your purpose. I'm just utilizing other mediums!

1 comment:

  1. As long as you don't abandon your facebook too, then I'll forgive you for not blogging. I'm loving your project 365, btw.
