Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm fickle. I was able to redesign my old blog and so I moved all my entries from this one back to the old one so they could be together. So if you're hoping from an update from this blog it won't be happening. It is here to collect dust. So catch up with The Young Crew back on our original blog theyoungcrew.blogspot.com

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

6 Months Already?!

Oh my, I just love this baby!!!! I can NOT believe Devyn is six months old already! She is still as sweet as ever, loves to smile and be snuggled. She has not decided to roll over yet and is pretty much content to kick and grab at toys from her back. She is sprouting two new teeth right now and has barely made a bit of fuss about it even though she is stuffy and uncomfortable. She has got to be one of the most laid-back kids I have ever met!

Monday, January 17, 2011


I am a bad blogger!!! Haha, I had you tricked into thinking you were going to find out something you didn't already know, right?! I know, I know excuses are lame. But I have been doing a Project 365 on facebook (which is taking a picture and telling about it every singe day of the year). So I really am documenting my family every single day...just not on here. Which the whole point of the bliggity-blog thing for me is to preserve moments for the Crew, so I'm not beating myself up too bad about my absence. I also have gone back to school and have been busy with homework, research, essays, discussion forums, journaling, and lots and lots of crunching of equations. So, I promise little neglected blog, I haven't forgotten your purpose. I'm just utilizing other mediums!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This post made me so happy today! It is from the blog of my best friend growing up, Tina. My childhood was unimaginably special because of that girl. And just for the record, childhood drama aside, I would be her twin any day!